Spiral Ham in the InstantPot
It is almost easter, and so I decided to try making a spiral ham in the IP.
The recipe I decided to do is actually insanely easy. It is just a can of crushed pineapple and a spiral ham. I added some fo the glass to the pineapple too for flavor.
The only problem I had was getting a spiral ham that could fit in the IP.
Eventually I did find a way to fit the smallest one I could find in the IP, and I cooked it on the trivet. I just dumped the crushed pineapple into the IP, and set the pot to pressure for 20 minutes, with the valve closed, and did a quick release.
The ham was really hard to get out of the pot easy, because it was so big, and in the process it was coming off the bone easily.
Spiral Ham in the InstantPot
Spiral Ham (Smaller the better)
Can of crushed pinapple
Place trivet into the IP.
Place the ham into the IP.
Pour crushed pineapple, juice included and massage into the spiral ham. Add spice pack included with ham if desired.
Cook on pressure setting for 20 minutes, with the valve closed, and then do a quick release.